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Tori Wanberg is freelance stylist and floral design consultant with over thirty years’ experience. She was born and raised in Mill Valley, California, where she resides today with her husband and four children. Tori owned her own business, Withers & Vilm, where she crafted custom floral wreaths, bouquets and more for clients including Williams-Sonoma Inc. and Smith & Hawken, before shifting to full-time freelance to accommodate her busy family. Initially working exclusively with dry florals, her styling soon broadened into all things visual, such as catalogs, displays, models, props and interior design.

Tori continues to work as a freelance stylist, either on-location or in her backyard Rose Cottage, designing handcrafted custom floral pieces. She loves to work alongside her sister, Amy, whose talent and energy keeps her inspired while perusing flower markets at 6am through hot glue-gunning creations into the night.